Govt ITI Tapovan

Welcome to Government Industrial Training Institute Tapovan Chamoli. It Was established in the year 1992. Institute imparting training in 05 NCVT trades with capacity of 128 trainees. The Institute has its own building situated at the height of approx. 6150 feet above Mean sea Level in Joshimath block of district Chamoli. It is situated 15 km from Joshimath. It has rich landscape area with plenty of trees. It has nice atmosphere for training. The objective of the institute is to impart skills in various vocational trades to meet skilled manpower requirement of industry. The institute is covered under Private Public Partnership scheme of Government of India, to provide improved quality training.

The Institute runs with an Industry Partner (IMC) Industry Partner is associated to lead the process of up gradation Various other Different trades are being proposed to open in the ITI. Hence the intake capacity will almost triple. The institute is growing under the excellence guidance of IMC, where the industry partner is NTPC Ltd.


Trade Specific Infrastructure, Building and Workshop

Trade under SCVT
Trade Unit Class room area per unit Total room area for trade Workshop Area per unit
Electrician0225sqm25 sqm90 sqm
Wireman0125 sqm25 sqm90 sqm
Copa0125 sqm25 sqm70 sqm
Electronics0125 sqm25 sqm56 sqm
Motor Mechanic0125 sqm25 sqm215 sqm
Trade Affiliated to NCVT & SCVT
1Electrician122 Year20X2=40Aug -18 DGT-12/1/2018-TC
2Wireman112 Year            20 AUG-2005 DGET-6/19/5/2005-TC(Govt. New)
3COPA111 Year            24Dec-18 DGT-12/1/2018-TC
4Electronics112 Year            24AUG-2005 DGET-6/19/5/2005-TC(Govt. New)
5Motor Mechanic112 Year            24Aug-18 DGT-12/1/2018-TC

Infrastructure, Building, and Workshop

S.NoParticularIn square Meters
ATotal land area9800 sqm
BCovered area1358.22  sqm
CTotal class rooms area125  sqm
DTotal Workshop area521.00 sqm
EComputer Lab70 sqm
FPlay area575.37sqm

Other Facilities

Electric Power Supply
Present Electric Load20KW
Date of ConnectionMarch 2011
Connection in the name ofPRINCIPAL G.I.T.I. TAPOVAN CHAMOLI
Meter No15679542
Seal noT444996
RemarkAVAILABLE 20 KW ON  20-07-2020

Library – Books taken out by staff/students shall not be retained for more than a fourteen (14) days from the date of issue.

Sports– Indoor as well as outdoor games as Carom Board, Chess, Cricket, Badminton, etc

Extra-Curricular Activity- Annual Games, Cultural activities, Plantation by trainees, Quiz Competition and Speech Competition.


Administrative Staff

1Mr. Ashish NautiyalPrincipal
2Mr. Kishor DangwalSenior Assistant
3Mrs. BinduJunior Assistant
4Mr. Vinod Singh NegiStore Keeper

Technical Staff

1Mrs. Bushrainstructor
2Mr. Grish Chandra Dimriinstructor
3Mr. Naveen singhinstructor
4Mr. Ashish aryainstructor
5Mr. Govind singhinstructor
6 Mr. Manoj singhinstructor
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