Govt. ITI Pirankaliyar

The Industrial Training Institute (An ISO 29990 Certified) was established in the year 1987 with NCVT trade Electrician 02 unit with a seating capacity of 20 no. trainees in one unit, Electronics Mechanic 02 unit with a seating capacity of 26 no. trainees in one unit, Welder 02 unit with a seating capacity of 20 no. trainees in one unit, The institute have its own building. It is situated 22 Km from Haridwar, Villa-Daulatpur Distt-Haridwar. The institute is covered under Private public Partnership Scheme of Government of India, to Provide Improved quality training.

The institute runs with an industry partner (IMC). Industry Partner is associated to lead the process of up gradation. Various other different trades are being proposed to open in the ITI. Hence the intake capacity will almost triple. The Institute is growing under the excellence guidance of IMC

The institute is covered under UKWDP, to provide improved quality training and support employment for trainees. Various other trades i.e. Fitter, Interior Design & Decoration and RAC are proposed under UKWDP project, which will start shortly in the institute. Hence the seating capacity of the trades will increase to 368. The institute is growing indeed.


Tradewise Class Room and Workshop

S.No.TradeUnitClassroom area per unitTotal class room area for tradeWorkshop area per unitTotal workshop area for trade
1Electrician0232 Sq.m.32 Sq.m.98.94 Sq.m.98.94 Sq.m.
2Electronics Mechanic0232 Sq.m.32 Sq.m.56 Sq.m.56 Sq.m.
3Welder0232 Sq.m.32 Sq.m.80  Sq.m.80  Sq.m.
4Stenography (Hindi)0132 Sq.m.32 Sq.m.56 Sq.m.56 Sq.m.
5Sewing Technology0132 Sq.m.32 Sq.m.32 Sq.m.32 Sq.m.


S.No.DescriptionArea (in SQM)
1.Total Area8794.13
2.Covered Area1235.08
3.Total Class room Area215
4.Total workshop area576.82
5.IT Lab area46.72
6.Toilet Male/Female117.9
7.Principal’s Office23.94
8.Clerk’s Office55.04

Schemes running in the Institute (CTS, MES etc under NCVT)

TradeUnitClassroom area per unitTotal class room area for tradeWorkshop area per unitTotal workshop area for tradeRemarks
Electrician03 32 SQM32 SQM98.94 SQM98.94 SQM2 unit running
Welder {Fabrication & Fitting}0332 SQM32 SQM80 SQM80 SQM2 unit running
Electronics Mechanic0232 SQM32 SQM56 SQM56 SQM2 unit running
Fitter03Proposed under UKWDP
 Interior Design & Decoration02Proposed under UKWDP
RAC03Proposed under UKWDP
Sewing Tech.01Proposed under UKWDP

Trade Affiliated to NCVT & SCVT

S.No.Trade nameShiftUnitsDGT Order No.
1.Electronics Mechanic11DGT-6/35/7/2003-TC DATE-31-01-2005
2.Electronics Mechanic11DGT-6/35/9/2003-TC DATE-19-02-2009
3.Electrician12DGT-12/1/2018-TC DATE-10-08-2018
4.Welder12DGT-12/1/2018-TC DATE-28-08-2018
5.Steno Hindi11DGT-6/35/9/2003-TC DATE-30-12-2003
6.Sewing Tech.11DGT-6/35/9/2003-TC DATE-30-12-2003

Other Facilities

Electric Power Supply
Available Electric Load26  kW
Connection Date11-09-2015  (21702)
Connection ( in the name of)Principal Govt. ITI. Pirankaliyar
Meter No.Genus/ 388895

Library – Presently infrastructure development for library, Computer 

Computer Lab– Lab under UKWDP is in process

Sports– Disc throws, Carom board, Chess

Administrative Staff

1Mr. Manmohan KudiyalPrincipal
2Mr. Subhash Chandra AgarwalForeman
3Mr. Arvind KumarUDC
4Mr. Amit KumarLDC
5Mr. Saurabh KumarStore  Attendant
6Mr. Sumit KumarWorkshop Attendant
7Mr. Vipin SolankiWorkshop Attendant
8Mr. Saurabh Kumar SindhuChowkidar
9Mr. RajuSweeper

Technical Staff

Sl. No.NameDesignation
1.Mr. Ashish VermaInstructor
2.Mr. SulemanInstructor
3.Mr. Devendra SinghInstructor
4.Mr. Anil KumarInstructor
5.Smt. Reshma  ChauhanInstructor
6.Smt. Rekha VermaInstructor
7Mr. Dinesh KumarInstructor
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