Govt ITI Masi

The Institute (an ISO 9001 Certified) was established in the year 2006 with Trades Fitter  Having 20 seats capacity. The Institute has its own building.


Trade Specific Infrastructure, Building and Workshop

Trade UnitClass Room Area per UnitTotal Class Room Area for TradeWorkshop Area per unitTotal Workshop Area for Trade
Fitter130 Sq.m30 Sq.m98 Sq.m110 Sq.m

Trades Affiliated to NCVT

1Fitter11DGT-12/1/2018-TC Date 21.12.2018

Infrastructure, Building, and Workshop

S.NoOwnership Document/Lease agreement for rented building In Sq.m
aTotal Area8000 Sq.m
bCovered Area1020.40 Sq.m
cTotal Class Rooms Area60 Sq.m
dTotal Workshops Area220 Sq.m
gComputer Lab (IT Library)90 Sq.m
hPlay Area300 Sq.m
iLibrary25 Sq.m

Other Facilities

Electric Power Supply
Present Electric Load4 (in KW)
 Connection Year2017
Connection in the  name ofPrincipal G.I.T.I. Masi

Library – 

Sports – 

Extra Circular Activities- 

Administrative Staff

SL. No.Name DesignationDate of JoiningRemark
1Mukesh Chandra TiwariAstt.Store Keepar15-06-1987Regular
2Puran Lal BalmikiJuniar Assistant11-11-2011Upnl

Technical Staff

S.No.Name DesignationDate of JoiningRemark
1Bhagwan Singh BhandariInstructor06-06-2015Regular
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