Govt. ITI Danya

Govt. Industrial Training Institute Danya (Almora Institute is situated in beautiful range of The Himalaya in Almora District of Uttarakhand.

Govt. ITI Danya was established in the year 1989. It has been set up under the Craftsman Training Scheme affilitated to National Council for Vocational Training (NCVT). Through the Directorate General of Employment and Training (DGET) Govt. Of India under the ministry of Labour, New Delhi.Institute Management Committee (IMC) is constituted in 2010-2011 for Improvement in the field of vocational training to equip the youth with skills, education & discipline for suitable industrial employment as well as self employment.

There are 4 different trades of Engineering field of two year duration.At present the intake capacity of institute is 88 seats.


Tradewise Class Room and Workshop


S.NoOwnership Document / Lease agreement for rented building Area in square meters
01Total  Area9832
02Covered Area852
03Total Class room Area75
04Total Workshop Area330
05Office Area50
06Smart Room60

Other Facilities

Electric Power Supply
Present Electric Load10 (in KW)
 Connection No018687
Connection in the  name ofPrincipal G.I.T.I. Danya

Library – 

Sports – 

Extra Circular Activities- 

Administrative Staff

SL. No.Name DesignationRemark
1Mrs.Mamta PandeyPrincipalRegular
2Mr.Basant Ballabh JoshiPeonRegular
3Mr. Krishna JoshiSenior AssistantRegular
4Mr.Rohit PunethaJunior AssistantRegular

Technical Staff

S.NoStaff NameDesignationRemark
1Kishan Singh BishtForemanRegular
2Navneet LohaniInstructor Electronics MechanicRegular
3Pawan JoshiInstructor Math / Drawing Regular
4Devendra Singh BhakuniInstructor Wireman UPNL
5Bhuwan Chandra Joshi Instructor Draughtsman Civil UPNL
6Mr. Umed Singh SatwalStore KeeperRegular
7Mr.Gopal SinghStore AttendentUPNL

Composition of Institute Management Committee (IMC), Danys (Almora)

S.No.ParticularName of MemberAddress
1Chairman of the IMCMr.R.S.BishtReginal Manager KumaonMandalVikasNigam(KMVN)
2Secretary of the IMCMrs.Mamta PandeyPrincipal GITI Danya (Almora)
                                      Members Nominated by Industry Partner
3Member 1Mrs.Sunita SAHProject Cell Officer Kumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam(KMVN)
4Member 2Mrs. Lata BishtKumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam(KMVN)
5Member 3Mr.Hemant JoshiKumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam(KMVN)
6Member 4Mr.Sunder Lal AryaKumaon Mandal Vikas Nigam(KMVN)
7Member 5Mr.Deepak MurariGeneral Manager  JILA UDYOG KENDRA (ALMORA)
8Member 6Mr.Y.S.Rawat

Regional Employment Officer

Regional Employment Office Almora

9Member 7Mr.  Deepak Kumar Chaudhery


Govt. ITI (Almora)

10Member 8MR. Kishan Singh Bisht


GITI Danya (Almora)

11Member 9Pankaj Lal SahStudent GITI Danya (Almora)
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